See How We Can Help You at Advance Chiropractic and Health Center
Dr. Susan Sykes is passionate about helping people get out of pain, express their full health potential and improve their brain function through gentle chiropractic care, lifestyle medicine and natural brain health therapeutics. She has offices in Clemmons and Greensboro.
Most people who use chiropractic for the first time are pleasantly surprised to discover that, not only do they get out of pain, often quite quickly, but they also find other health concerns they were having start to resolve. If you've never had chiropractic care, you might be surprised about how it can help you improve your health.
Chiropractic was first developed in the 1890s. It works by restoring the normal and healthy functioning of your central nervous system by restoring proper nerve flow to and from the organs by way of the spine. The term "chiropractic" originates with the Greek words "chiro" and "praktikos," which mean "hand" and "practice." Your Clemmons and Greensboro, North Carolina chiropractor helps you by using natural, hands-on care that is designed with you and your well-being in mind.
Many people know that chiropractic care is great for back pain, auto injuries, neck pain, and headaches, but did you know that chiropractic can also help with general health and wellness? The staff at Advance Chiropractic & Health Center can help you improve your general health and wellness with chiropractic care and other natural therapeutic.
Contact Advance Chiropractic & Health Center at (336) 766-0888 to learn more about how Dr. Susan Sykes can help get you back on the road to health.
Why is there not a button at the end of the wording on this page that's a call to action? I understand that the easier you make it for someone to reach you, the more likely they are to use your services.
Dr. Susan S. Sykes
Chiropractic Physician
"Resolving the Health Care Crisis One Person at a Time"
2505 Neudorf Rd Clemmons, NC 27012
TEL 336-766-0888
FAX 336-766-0608